Your alternative to a B2B sales degree.

We have all been told to sell to the C-suite, but few of us were taught HOW to execute this in a way that resonates with executives. Enterprise leaders are always in the market for business guidance and ideas that optimize shareholder/business results, and we must sell in this context.
Lexicon shows you how to identify and speak to the value drivers that your business assets impact, and how to quickly and effectively demonstrate to company leadership that you understand their business performance and objectives and how your assets improve the value drivers that they are measured against.
1:1 Remote Coaching
Book 1:1 remote coaching sessions with Eric to up level and refine your business-based selling skills.
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Unlock the door.
Reframe how you speak to executives
For most sales people, our narratives start and end with features and benefits, and this is the root cause of being stuck in the middle of the org chart and limited to budget constraints. Lexicon shows you how to fundamentally change the conversation to engage executives in strategic business dialogs that guide and secure both budgeted and unbudgeted funds.

Content that will train your brain
With any new language, learning how to speak confidently takes practice and a willingness to venture outside of your comfort zone. Lexicon’s accessible and progressive narrative-based approach makes it easy to first become conversant on your path to fluency.

Learn how to engage on a
different level
Knowing what to say and exactly how to say it is not rocket science, but it does take practice. Lexicon will guide you to entirely new conversations with executive decision makers.

Sell smarter.
Start selling in the executive dialect.
Lexicon’s fun and engaging courses will teach you exactly what you need to know to elevate your career and success rate, now. Gain the skills that you need to successfully engage financial decision makers and close more strategic deals, now.